Data Mesh & Java Profilers

The Java Usergroup Berlin-Brandenburg and our partner INNOQ invite you to the talks “Data Mesh” by Jochen Christ and “Is Your Java Application Slow? Check Out These Open-Source Profilers” by Johannes Bechberger on April the 25th.

This talk will be in english.

Data Mesh

(Jochen Christ): Data Mesh is a socio-technical approach to data management that enables teams to perform data analysis independently within their domain to make data-driven decisions. Data mesh promotes sharing data with other teams as data products and defined data contracts.

Data Mesh adopts the principles from Domain-driven Design, Team Topologies and Microservices to the data world. However, it has many organizational implications, such as ownership and federated governance.

In this talk, Jochen from INNOQ describe how a Data Mesh architecture can be implemented in practice, which organizational transformations will be necessary and which technologies are suitable in this context.

The Speaker

Jochen is a tech lead at INNOQ and a specialist for data mesh. Jochen works on,, and


Is Your Java Application Slow? Check Out These Open-Source Profilers

(Johannes Bechberger): Profilers help to analyze performance bottlenecks of your application – if you know which to use and how to work with them.

There are many open-source profilers, like async-profiler or JMC. This talk will give you insights into these tools, focusing on understanding the basic concepts of profiling like flame graphs and more, the usage of async-profiler and JMC, and the advantages and disadvantages of the different tools.

The talk will end with personal insights into my profiler development and a successful profiling workflow that resulted from this.

The Speaker

Johannes Bechberger is a JVM developer working on profilers and their underlying technology in the SapMachine team at SAP. This includes improvements to async-profiler and its ecosystem, a website to view the different JFR event types, and improvements to the FirefoxProfiler, making it usable in the Java world. He started at SAP in 2022 after two years of research studies at the KIT in Java security analyses. His work today comprises many open-source contributions and his blog, where he writes regularly on in-depth profiling and debugging topics and works on his JEP Candidate 435 to add a new profiling API to the OpenJDK. Since 2023 he’s touring the Java User Groups and conferences of Europe, like JavaZone and Devoxx Belgium to speak on various topics.

The Location

innoQ Deutschland GmbH,
Ohlauer Str. 43,
Treppenhaus C, 2. OG,
10999 Berlin

The Program

  • Doors open: 18:00
  • Start of the talk: 18:30

The Registration

We would appreciate it if you could pre-register for the event via JUG Berlin-Brandenburg Meetup Group, but registration is not mandatory. We look forward to seeing everyone.