Testcontainers – Past, Present and Future

Am Dienstag, den 25. Februar 2020, lädt die Java Usergroup Berlin-Brandenburg und LucaNet AG zum Vortrag Testcontainers – Past, Present and Future mit Sergei Egorov ein.

Der Vortrag

Testcontainers – Past, Present and Future (Sergei Egorov): Unit testing is fine, but without proper integration testing, especially if you work with external resources like databases and other services, you might not know how your application will actually behave once it has been deployed to the real production environment.

Testcontainers is a popular JVM testing library that provides lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.

In this talk, we will briefly go throught the past, present and the future of the library.

Spoiler! By coming, you may learn new things even if you’re an active user of Testcontainers ;-)

Der Redner

Sergei Egorov works at Pivotal on Project Reactor in Berlin, Germany. He is an active member of the Open Source community, member of the Apache Foundation, co-maintainer of the Testcontainers project, and a contributor to various OSS projects (Apache Groovy, Testcontainers, JBoss Modules, Spring Boot, to name a few), likes to share the knowledge and was presenting at different conferences and meetups in Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Norway, Denmark, Spain, and Estonia. He is passionate about DevOps topics, clouds, and infrastructure. Before Pivotal, he was working at Vivy, N26, Zalando, ZeroTurnaround, TransferWise, and other startups.


LucaNet AG
Alexanderplatz 1
10178 Berlin

Der Ablauf

  • 18:30 Uhr Einlaß
  • 19:00 Uhr Beginn des Vortrags

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Die Anmeldung

Über eine Voranmeldung zu der Veranstaltung über die Meetup-Gruppe der JUG Berlin-Brandenburg würden wir uns freuen, jedoch ist die Anmeldung nicht zwingend erforderlich. Wir freuen uns auf jeden Teilnehmer.