Feature Evolution of Java 14 and Beyond

Am Donnerstag, den 30. Januar 2020, lädt die Java Usergroup Berlin-Brandenburg und INNOQ zum Vortrag Feature Evolution of Java 14 and Beyond mit Cay Horstmann ein.

Der Vortrag

Feature Evolution of Java 14 and Beyond (Cay Horstmann): Every six months, a new Java release comes along. This increased release frequency was motivated by the desire to introduce new language and library features to a broad audience quickly. Depending on user feedback, there is the possibility of making changes before the design is frozen. I describe the evolution of several such features, including switch expressions, new forms of string literals, records, and fibers. By observing the design process, you will gain insights into the evolution of Java, and you will be better equipped to prepare yourself for new features.

Der Redner

Cay Horstmann is the author of numerous books and online courses for professional programmers and computer science students, including the international bestseller Core Java, with eleven editions since 1996. He taught computer science at San Jose State University for almost thirty years and held visiting appointments at universities in Germany, Switzerland, Vietnam, and Macau. He was named a Java Champion in 2005.


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Der Ablauf

  • 18:30 Uhr Einlaß
  • 19:00 Uhr Beginn des Vortrags

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Über eine Voranmeldung zu der Veranstaltung über die Meetup-Gruppe der JUG Berlin-Brandenburg würden wir uns freuen, jedoch ist die Anmeldung nicht zwingend erforderlich. Wir freuen uns auf jeden Teilnehmer.