4. Dezember 2014

Am 17. Dezember 2014 lädt die Java Usergroup Berlin-Brandenburg und die ThoughtWorks Werkstatt Berlin zu dem Vortrag Feature Toggles On Steroids mit Michael Tamm ein.

Der Vortrag

Feature Toggles On Steroids (Michael Tamm): By now it is well known that feature branch based development is problematic (because of merge conflicts) and trunk based development with feature toggles is a good alternative. But the simple idea of a feature toggle can be extended in several ways e.g. to allow much more fine grained control when and where a feature becomes visible or to verify the new code behind a feature toggle before the toggle is switched. Join this session to learn new patterns which ensure that everything works when a new feature is finally activated in production.

Participants will learn several not wildly known extension to the simple idea of a feature toggle, which can be easily implemented and enable delivering new features with very high quality (not only functional correctness but also robustness and performance) without costing much compared to other QA activities.

Der Redner

Michael Tamm is a Java Expert and Agile Coach with 25 years experience in programming. He has specialized in automated quality assurance — that is not only automated testing but also automated code reviews, deployment pipelines, monitoring, and profiling. He is author of the book "JUnit-Profiwissen", has published several articles in IT magazines, and is a regular speaker at IT conferences.


ThoughtWorks Werkstatt Berlin, Mülhauser Str. 6, 10405 Berlin


Wir danken ThoughtWorks und ganz speziell der ThoughtWorks Werkstatt Berlin für die Unterstützung mit Räumlichkeiten und Getränken.

ThoughtWorks Werkstatt Berlin

Der Ablauf

  • 18:30 Uhr Einlaß

  • 19:00 Uhr Beginn des Vortrags

Anschließend gibt es die Möglichkeit für Networking und Plausch.

Die Anmeldung

Über eine Voranmeldung zur Veranstaltung über das XING-Event der XING-Gruppe der JUG Berlin-Brandenburg würden wir uns freuen, jedoch ist die Anmeldung nicht zwingend erforderlich. Wir freuen uns auf jeden Teilnehmer.